Connecting with you, our families.
Communication between parents and school is fundamental. Any time you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher, our Parent Coordinator, or Principal Solomon. We encourage you to use Class Dojo to message your child’s teacher. Link Class Dojo to your email account so you can stay up to date on communications from the school. If you need to speak to the Principal, you may send an email to or call the school and leave a message at (718) 857-9820. You can also email any staff member.
During instructional time, phone calls cannot be forwarded directly to the classroom. You may leave a message for the teacher and they may return your call during their preparation period or Parent Engagement time, which all teachers have weekly. Please email your child’s teacher to make an appointment if you need to speak directly with him or her.
Ways we communicate…
PS 256 uses these methods to communicate:
Class Dojo
Check Class Dojo for updates and announcements from the school
Monthly School Calendar
Report cards & Parent/Teacher conferences
Back-to-School Night & Open House
Monthly PTA meetings
DOE Messenger phone system
Parent-Teacher Conferences with all parents take place during specific days in September, November, March and May. However, conferences can be arranged at various times during the year when/if they are necessary.