Seasoned teacher helps three students write sentences about animal adaptation.


Project-based & Interdisciplinary

3-K & Pre-K

For our youngest learners, we use Creative Curriculum, a research-based curriculum that teaches children to become creative, confident, and caring critical thinkers. It features inquiry, exploration, and discovery as the foundation of all learning, bringing learning to life in the classroom.

When students advance to Pre-K, we continue Creative Curriculum with the addition of Eureka Math and Sanford Harmony for social-emotional skill development. Learn more about these two curricula below.

two students independently reading
a girl and boy student working together in the lab, with water, soil, and filters

Kindergarten to 5th Grade

ELA (English Language Arts)

Our ELA curriculum includes interdisciplinary units of study rooted in Science & Social Studies themes.

For Reading & Writing, we use EL Education, a content-based curriculum organized around themes. Students build background knowledge by reading about a range of topics. They then use that knowledge to build writing skills across the genres.

We incorporate Phonics in all grades, using FUNdations for Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. FUNdations utilizes a structured literacy approach grounded in the science of reading to make learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for lifelong literacy. Teachers utilize carefully structured reading, spelling, and handwriting curriculum using engaging, multisensory techniques.

3rd through 5th Grades use Phonics for Reading, a systematic instruction program that delivers the right skills, in the right order, to help older students, including those who struggle at the word level.

Eureka Math

Thoughtfully constructed and designed like a story, Eureka Math focuses on key concepts that layer over time, creating lasting knowledge. Students gain a complete body of math knowledge, not just a discrete set of skills. They use the same models and problem-solving methods from grade to grade, so math concepts stay with them, year after year.

Amplify Science

Amplify Science is a K–8 science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.

young, passionate male teacher discussing concepts with an intrigued group of students

Social Studies

Passport to Social Studies was created by New York City educators with the goal of preparing children for the global community. Students use rich content, themes and big ideas to learn history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship and government. They also use important skills to “think like historians.”

Our Labs!

We have state-of-the-art Science & Computer Technology Labs where students in grades K through 5 attend classes taught by a specialist teacher. And we recently opened our new Hydroponic Lab where students learn to plant, maintain, and harvest root and vine vegetables.

Social Emotional Learning

We use Sanford Harmony to help our students develop the social emotional awareness they need to be confident, caring young people. Harmony fosters the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students need to develop healthy identities, create meaningful relationships, and engage productively in communities.

All of our curricula includes our whole student body, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities.

Our Pledge

Today, I pledge myself to the pursuit of Excellence. I will work harder today than I did yesterday. And still harder tomorrow. I will be Excellent. Excellence is within my reach. My manners will be Excellent. My behavior will be Excellent. My habits will be Excellent. My commitment to Excellence will be EXCELLENT. And so will I. I will be EXCELLENT!